PDF Details
PDF NameAapka Banti 
No. of Pages19
PDF Size929KB
Language Hindi

आपका बंटी उपन्यास | Aapka Banti

Aapka Bunty is one of Mannu Bhandari’s unrivalled works, without which neither the Hindi novel of the twentieth century nor the debate on women’s issues can be properly understood. This novel, which was published thirty years ago (in 1970), is among the most popular Hindi works.

This dozens-of-editions-and-translations series is exactly the same today as it was when it was initially serialised in Dharmayuga. The family’s world becomes a terrifying nightmare when seen through the eyes of a youngster and a wounded person. It’s impossible to tell whether this is the narrative of Bunty the boy or Shakun the mother. All of them are so intertwined that one tragedy becomes the pain of all. The fact of Shakun’s existence is that a woman’s reasonable ambition and self-reliance pose a challenge to a man, and as a result, marital friction leads to divorce.

This is not a positive sign; it is the reality of the ‘new woman’ as she continues to carve out a space for herself in society, spreading and elevating her status. Bunty is the absolutely naïve, innocent, and insecure party in this argument between husband and wife. Mannu Bhandari, a storyteller, was the first to recognise this realm of elders in the consciousness of a kid.

Every page of this work is heartwarming and thought intriguing, and it is praised for its deep understanding of child psychology. Aapka Bunty is regarded as a great novel in Hindi literature.